Convert json file with line break to CSV with jq command
※I turned Japanese articles written in Qiita into English.
Convert the json file data to CSV.
An environment that takes it into elasticsearch via logstash (and an environment that displays it in Grafana).
* Should I use json as it is without CSV conversion, or use logstash? It hasn’t tried on the issue of his skill.
I get parce error in json, it is troublesome to adjust to the bulk format, and I am doing CSV input without thinking anything.
CSV conversion and importing it worked well,
There is data that includes line breaks, so I got stuck.
General CSV conversion with jq command
cat sample1.json | jq -r ‘. [] | [.key1, .key2, .key3] | @csv’
However, in this case, if there is data with line breaks in json,
Double quotes are removed by the -r option, and line breaks occur at the line feed code.
As a result, line breaks in CSV data were messed up, and elasticsearch data was strange or could not be imported.
Newline and -r (-raw-output) option
How can I convert a json that includes a line break to CSV without line breaks?
jq @csv, when googled, every site has a -r option.
However, if you add the -r option, the json double quotes will be removed at that point and line breaks will occur.
So I decided to convert to CSV without -r with sed command and convert to CSV with @csv.
Process sed command
Like this.
Actually, I made fine adjustments while comparing the data created in CSV with -r and without -r.
* So, I think that it is a measure specific to your environment, but as a methodology it is general purpose.
cat sample1.json | jq ‘. [] | [.key1, .key2, .key3] | @csv’ \
| sed ‘s / \\\\ / \\ / g’ \ #Because \ in each key value was \\, return to the original \
| sed ‘s / \\\ “/ \” / g’ \ #Return to “because each key value is enclosed in \” instead of “
| sed ‘s / ^ “// g’ \ #Delete double quotes at the beginning
| sed ‘s / “$ // g’ \ #Remove double quotes at the end
>> hoge.csv
For Copy and Paste(cleanup Disturbing comment)
cat sample1.json | jq ‘. [] | [.key1, .key2, .key3] | @csv’ \
| sed ‘s / \\\\ / \\ / g’ \
| sed ‘s / \\\ “/ \” / g’ \
| sed ‘s / ^ “// g’ \
| sed ‘s / “$ // g’ \
>> hoge.csv